Week Fourteen Post

Post date: Apr 27, 2018 12:56:21 AM

The first thing I did this week is I got the Arduino sketches, STL. files, and material list for the DNA lamp project. With the time I had left in the week, I decided to continue my work on the vinyl cut. I quickly went back over my design and decide to change the font to comic sans. After starting the vinyl cut almost immediately failed and I blamed the font. A friend recommended a font with many right angles and straight edges. After I tried to cut the second design, the same thing happened as in the first. So then I tested the piece of vinyl multiple times each time turning the focus up. The tests did not work and I showed Mr. Moss and he said that the blade was too dull and needed to be replaced.

Arduino sketch for boot loading.

Arduino to chip sketch.

Wiring sketch for DNA Lamp.

First design of the vinyl cut.

What the vinyl cutter cut from the first design.

Second design with straight edges and 90-degree angles.

The multiple tests I ran to test the vinyl.

Links:DNA Lamp Folder, Material List, STL. Files