Chess Rook

Post date: Jan 19, 2017 1:44:44 PM

First I made a base using a cylinder.

Next I added a torus, for design, and another cylinder and cut it out with a torus.

Then I sketched a polygon with a sloped side. I then I used the revolve tool to extrude it.

I added cylinders to the top to expand the top face.

Finally I added another cylinder to the top of the rook. I sketched castle pieces and extruded them to give it the right look.

This is how my rook came out of the printer.

Creating the base for the rook was simple; as I did it exactly the way as my pawns base. The top part of the rook was the most difficult to get right. I had to sketch the castle pieces multiple times for all of them to get them to look exactly as I wanted them to. It took my five versions, or iterations, to get to my final product.