Decal and Vinyl Final

Post date: May 16, 2018 1:12:17 PM

For the Decal I made a decal for our robotics team mentor and teacher, Mr. Craw. I chose to make a decal with our team number and competition on it "FRC 5410". After many failed tests with a blade that I didn't know was dirty and being told by a friend that I need to make an outline of the text, it finally worked. After school Friday I moved the text to transfer paper and put it on his door. The vinyl cut shirt proved more difficult than the decal was. After choosing the Ferrari logo to put on a shirt, I made about four cuts of the logo. The first one was too small the next one was larger but also to small. The cut after last, I cut upside down by accident and then the final cut was the right size, on the right side, and was inverted, unlike the other three. I only need one attempt at putting the logo on the shirt.

Decal from afar

Decal from close up

Shirt with logo on it