Twinkies Man Case Study

  1. Only purchased the name and the receipt didn't inherent the debt of the old company - Related to finance
  2. Increased self life of a Twinkie from 7 to 10 days to 45 days - Related to product development
  3. Established fan base that missed Twinkies so created nostalgia - Related to marketing
  4. Modernization of factories - Related to manufacturing
  5. Nostalgic celebrities who would endorse the product and spread awareness - related to marketing

The most significant was the modernization of the factories. One factory with 500 employees could make the same amount of Twinkies in a year as 14 factories and 9,000 employees could under the old company. The cost of making a Twinkie was majorly reduced, making the ground needed to be reclaimed by sales is a lot smaller than prior under the old company.