Student Loans

The only thing I know about student loans is that my parents wont let me get one and that kids end up in loads of debt because of them. The hypothesis by Bennett is Federal student loans, subsidies, and any other program that offers aid from the government helps to inflate college tuition rates. This is based of fact that colleges change their pricing based of how much the government puts aside to give to students. I think that college's main goal is to get your money so they can get the money necessary to make the school larger, in order to get more peoples money to increase the size of the college again. I believe that most public universities have the goal is to get larger because they think larger is better.


  • Not the loans
    • Colleges have gotten to big and not specialized causing them to become exponentially more expensive
    • Not all kids need to go to college, the belief is that one needs to go to college to make a living
    • Some kids go to college not knowing what they want to do with their life and some even leave not certain if they made the right choice
  • Decrease loans so that colleges have to reduce prices
    • Decrease the size of loans given to each kid
    • Decrease the amount of loans given out
    • Decrease the total amount of money put aside for loans
  • Other options
    • Longer period of time between interest payments
    • Actual help kids somehow repay the loans and not just leaving them for dead
    • reduce interest rates because why does the government interest, we pay taxes

I am continuing my learning into college, but I will not be taking out a loan. My parents will paying for my college so if I owe anyone money it will be them. I would tell a friend to be careful about taking a loan. I would tell them to be very weary of how much they are spending and how much money they have set aside.

WHM Comments - 10/30

Three sections - you are non-responsive on all 3

  1. Bennett Hypothesis - did not respond
  2. Your ideas for fixing student loans - you did not offer changes to the student loan program; your suggestions are "kids that can't pay loans shouldn't apply"
  3. If you are not expecting to apply/receive a student loan, answer the question for a friend who will take out a student loan

Revise and resubmit

WHM Comments - 30/30; max reassessment = 24.9