Text Sign

Post date: Feb 6, 2017 1:52:08 PM

For my sign I decide to write "Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl LI Champions" in comic sans. I choice this, because I believe the Falcons will win.

After placing my letters I then preceded to make a rectangle around my sign. I then pulled the rectangle up and down to cover the letters more.

Next I outlined the perimeter and used the push/pull tool to extrude it.

After that I measured some of the dimensions of the sign.

When I found the dimensions I fixed them with the push/pull tool.

This is how my sign came out of the printer.

I made this sign to give to a friend who was a Patriots fan, because I thought they would lose the Super Bowl to the Falcons. I made the writing in comic sans so that it would comical. Sadly the FALCONS gave up a TWENTY-FIVE POINT LEAD in the Super Bowl. The thickness of the sign could've been a bit thicker. Other than that I don't think anything else needs to be fixed.