Psychological/ Physiological Factors that Affect Learning

Physiological Factors

1. Noise (unfavorable)

  • People talking over Mr. Moss and making it hard to hear his instruction
  • Noise made by the 3D printer and Laser Cutter can make it hard to concentrate on the task at hand
  • The classroom above has the tensity to move their desks and it is really load and annoying and distracts from the current task

2. How the Tables are Arranged (unfavorable)

  • The tables are arranged so that no one is directly looking at the front of the classroom which means that when Mr. Moss lectures no one is looking directly at him without having to turn their head
  • Some of the chairs are turned away from Mr. Moss so students have to turn their chair all the way around to be able to look at the board
  • People sitting near the front have a acute angle of the board and it makes it difficult to see whats on the board without twisting your neck

3. How the Tables are Arranged (favorable)

  • The four people per table allows for easier communication and cooperation between group members in a project
  • The large table space makes it easier to do work on the tables
  • The large tables also allow enough space for two of the chairs to fit underneath comfortably

Some physiological factors that affect learning are how comfortable the chairs are, how tall the cabinets are, and where one sits relative to the board. If the chairs weren’t comfortable the discomfort would make it physically unable to be sit in class. If cabinets are too tall some people may not be able to reach the cabinets comfortably enough to be as efficient as possible, so they end up wasting class time. If you sit somewhere facing perpendicular to the board you probably won't be able to see what is on the board.

Some psychological factors that can affect learning are sounds from the 3D printers in the fab lab, people talking when they aren’t supposed to, and when the A/C doesn’t work. The sounds that the 3D printers make can be random and annoying and can distract someone if Mr. Moss is talking. It is really distracting when people talk over Mr. Moss or out of turn and make it hard to hear what the person, who is supposed to be speaking, says. Sometimes the A/C in the 300 building doesn’t work and when it doesn’t it’s really hard to stay focused on what one is doing when they are at an uncomfortable temperature.

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Not an IB-Style 9-point (3-themes/3 bullets/theme) essay

Specs called for either all psychological or all physiological

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