Favorite MDP Idea

The First Idea I choose was the Star Wars 3D Holographic Projection

  • Ever since I was a child I have always loved Star Wars and it would be really cool to work on something to do with the franchise
  • Being able to do something that people all around the world love would be an amazing privilege
  • It just seems to be a lot of fun to make some of the most famous movies come to life and be interactive

The Second Idea I choose was Teeth that Save You

  • For me I don't have the best teeth and I'd love to get data on my teeth whenever I can
  • My dad loves devices that can easily can send data to your phone so he can improve his behavior, he would love something like this too
  • This device reminds me of this guy who went onto Shark Tank and pitched an idea where you dill a tiny computer into someones head

The Final Idea I choose was Web Case

  • I am a fan of Spider-man and it would be really cool to have a phone case that can swing like he does
  • I never seem to have enough hands to hold everything so being able to just hang my phone and let go would make carrying things easier
  • I like to watch videos, TV, and movies on my phone and being able to just hang it wherever would make watching anywhere, easy

WHM Comments

Work in progress - email exchange early Thursday morning to clarify links to projects

Currently 3/3 for first selection or 30/90 - rounded up to 45/90 for 50% minimum grade; revise and resubmit