Spaghetti Marshmallow Tower

For the Spaghetti Marshmallow Tower we had 20 pieces of spaghetti, a yard of string and tape, and had a marshmallow on top of the Tower. We had 18 minutes to build, we built two towers and watched a TEDx talk in the between the two to help us understand the build processes. I was on a team with Grant, Paul, and Kirill. We had a plan from the start that we would try Grants idea to stack and flip triangles to make a strong tower. We would then use an idea I had saw during summer fab lab were a team made a long pole with the spaghetti with a base and support it with rope. We wanted to use the rope idea second so that no one would steal it.
For our first attempt we made the top first. It was a marshmallow with three spaghetti coming out the bottom. We then connected the legs together with cut spaghetti and tape. After that we made a huge triangular base and tried to connect it with three pieces of spaghetti to the top part of the tower. this proved to be too weak so before time ran out we just put down the top of the tower on the table and settled for a standing tower.
After watching the video I grew more confident in the second design. I believed this because the design was simple used a triangle base. We stared the second on by making a stick as tall as we dared and as strong as the tape allowed. the base was a cross shape with legs coming up from the edges to connect to the main body of the tower. The final step was to use rope to stabilize the tower. Once time ran out the tower stood at 25 inches with a bit of lean. Not only was it taller than the one I saw during summer fab lab but taller than any of the other towers that day.
I learned that in the design process you need to work quick with your team and limit conflict, to keep design's simple, and to do things that you know will work. Don't try to be the innovative try to be sensible and practical, do something you know will work or a proven concept.