High Res Candy Dispenser

Multiple Idea Generation

Our initial design for the dispenser

So my group of Luc, Noah, Paul, and I brainstormed ideas for our final version of the candy dispenser. We even came up a plethora ideas, some of which were too ambitious. We wanted to make our candy dispenser, dispense M&M type candy, not large but not to small either. Our design concept for the dispenser was a dispenser that would dispense a certain amount of candy based on how much a motor rotated. We would achieve that by using an arduino and a prop with scoops on it so that it only worked in one direction. We would also use laser cut parts and 3D printed parts for our dispenser.

Leading Others in Brainstorming

Our thinking map

For the thinking map we worked together to come up with ideas for out Candy Dispenser. Some of the Ideas came up with were to use cardboard, 3D print a prop with a scoop, lights to make it look good, and that we should use a button to make the prop turn. In the end we only ended up using the cardboard and 3D printed prop ideas.

Sketches and Prototypes

Orthographic of the Candy Dispenser

Assembly of the motor and prop

Iterative Process

Design of the spout for the dispenser made on illustrator

Prototype of spout for the dispenser. Dimensions are off.

I used Inventor and Illustrator to design and perfect our candy dispenser's body and prop. We had to cut cardboard multiple times to get the measurements correct. I had to print the spout multiple times to get it to the correct dimensions so that the pieces would fit properly. Not only that but Noah realized that we needed to make a slot for the prop to slide into place, so I made a design for that on illustrator.

Final version of the spout with correct dimensions.

Actively Contributing Original Ideas and Feedback

The main concept and creative ideas came from Noah and Luc. They were the ones that came up with the original candy dispenser that had to dispensers. Paul and I both helped refine the idea. I suggested to keep it simple and only have one dispenser and to 3D print the prop. I also suggested that we make the dispenser out of cardboard to save money and time in the laser cutting process.

Showing Leadership in Helping Advance Team Effort

I was had the job of designing the parts we needed on Illustrator and Inventor. I had to make sure that dimensions were correct and I had to print and cut the parts using a 3D printer and laser cutter.

Amplifying Others' Thinking and Models How to Build on Good Ideas

After we finished brained storming, we choice what we thought were the best ideas as a group. Noah had the original idea for a scooped prop, we all thought it was a good idea, I took his idea and made designed it in Inventor and 3D print it.


I feel that I could have done better on this project, in saying that I am proficient in the knowledge of how to properly do the design making process, but I displayed that of someone who is developing. When changes were need to be made we never came up with a proper way to implement it by drawing a sketch. Some examples of this would have been when we never came up for a way to attach the motor to the prop, for the prop to attach to the dispenser, and for a way to keep the dispenser standing. We also failed to divvy out tasks properly so that everyone would always be busy making the candy dispenser, sometimes people would have nothing to do for a whole class period, I was unable to do the work I was given because the computers for the laser cutters were in use the whole class, and once I was done cutting the parts I didn't know what I should do next. Finally we didn't keep track of who did what. None of us took the initiative to take notes of each days occurrence, we did make a thinking map but failed to label who did what, and we also failed to take enough pictures of what we were working on.