Spencer, William D.


William D. Spencer

Cincinnati, Ohio/Paris, Tennessee

Feather Location: Row F, #20

Condolences from Legacy.com

"Spencer, I'm always going to remember what a good Marine you were. Even though I wasn't in your platoon, I recall very well how often you did your job, even the dirty ones, and never once complained. You seemed like the rock that everybody could depend on and that's exactly what you were. This exact ethic I believe is why you did what you did that day, regardless of the danger. I will always remember you as being one of the bravest Marines that I've met and I wish I could have known you better. Rest In Peace and know that we who knew you, even those who didn't know you so well, will always remember you as the man that you were. Tell Miller hi for us."  ~ Felix Zacharias, Lawrence, Kansas

"Went to boot camp with "Spencer, W" as we called him in October 2005. I think of him often. I know he and his dad loved to go fishing, I hope your family is doing well.  Semper Fi bud."  ~  Eric Humer, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Beth Kenyon on Facebook

"Hey billy.... i was just sitting here listening to music thinking back on our childhood when we would sit at home and play with each others hair "looking for bugs" not really lol but you know its moments like that i miss alot or the long walk to the guy that lived in the bus.... that was always fun... and that time when he drove us to the store to buy candy and was gone for so long we thought we would get in trouble from mom and dad lol i miss times like that when we just talked about everything... i think about you all the time!!! i love you so much and miss you tons... thank you for watching over all of us..."

Carver:  Larry Mitchell carves with the East Fork Carvers near Cincinnati Ohio.

Wood:  Basswood