Freeman, Daniel J.


Daniel J. Freeman

Cincinnati, Ohio

Feather Location: Row J, #13

Condolences from

"I don't remember exactly when it was that Daniel joined my class at Yavneh Day School in Cincinnati, Ohio, but I do remember that on that day all of our lives changed. Daniel was a tall, skinny boy who had this dream of moving to Mongolia and becoming the king there, I remember it vividly. Daniel, always did have an imagination and he was never afraid to share it will all of us in class, no matter which class we were in, we always heard one of Daniel's out of this world ideas, they always got laughs and I think that's what he always wanted, laughs. Besides being imaginative and wanting to move to Mongolia, he was probably one of the nicest people I have ever encountered in my life. He loved his friends, he loved his family and he really died doing what he loved. Though, it has been over two years since Daniel is gone, I think of him often. I think of our days in school, on school trips and on our graduation day from 8th grade, though that was the last time I had heard from or about him I always wondered what happened to him for high school and college and though I was quite surprised that Daniel had been killed, it was no surprise to me that of all people from my younger days that Daniel was in Afghanistan, fighting for his country, because that was just the type of person he was. It has been 2 years since Daniel has gone and 8 years since I last spoke to him, but that day he entered my class years ago really did change my life and I feel so honored that I was able to be a part of someone so great's life. Thank you Hashem for giving me the opportunity to know Daniel. And to Daniel's Rebecca, his father Shmuel and little brother Adam (who I am sure is not so little anymore) know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you have been able to come together with family and friends to attempt to get through times that people should never have to go through. And please just know how many people's lives Daniel touched both as a young one and as a little bit older man. Baruch Dayan Haemet. May he rest in peace."  Rachelfaye Lewis of Chicago, IL

Carver:  Arlene Hensinger has been a wood carver since 1992 and lives in Bellevue Ohio.

Wood:  Walnut