Gordon, David W.


David W. Gordon

Williamsfield, Ohio

Feather Location: Row L, #02

Condolences from Legacy.com

"Hey brother,  Been thinking about you a lot lately. I seem to do that when I feel lost. I miss you man that crazy smile, zany energy, and all that year we spent living together over there. Part of me wishes I could get over the whole ordeal of that night; while the other keeps it alive to remind me just how short and precious are time is. I talked to Kim the other day she is doing great, finally going to school and making awesome grades. You would be proud of her bro. She told me the boys are doing great. Seems like Michael is starting to follow in your footsteps. Matthew is doing great in football too I hear. I wished you where here. I always looked to you for advice. I mean lets face it neither one of us where cool headed but we kind of balanced one another when we needed it. I hope your rocking it hard up there and maybe I will see ya at the gates one day but till then just remember your never forgotten by those whose lives you changed and those that loved you." ~  Mark Squires, Eastland, Texas

"my name is patty and I was a neighbor of the Gordon’s for many years when they lived in Westfield New York I can remember the day Dave was born he had blonde hair and brown eyes the most I remember was his big brown eyes and his smile I am glad I got to see Dave grow and the joy that he brought to his parents and grandparents was something special. But now he is waiting in heaven and he is watching over all that he loved and cared for. We all in Westfield are so proud of Dave he was a great soldier but he was a greater hero and I will never forget the first time I saw him and I know I will see him again god bless the Gordon family and friends" ~  patty, New York

"Well I know he is missed I served with him for a couple years and his last time in Iraq. He was a great guy I sometimes still see him walking down from the barracks with his cutoff tee shirt on smoking Marlboro red one right after another. He was in my section for a while right before the deployment. I was proud of him that he passed me in rank it's always a good day when that happens I'm sorry for your guys lose. Just know David is missed by many There is not a day that goes by without me thinking of him and saying a pray. I wish the best for all of you thanks" CPL Houle

Carver:  John Zeager is a retired metal fabricator                               

Wood:  Basswood