Fannin, Shawn D.


Shawn D. Fannin

Wheelersburg, Ohio

Feather Location: Row L, #24

Military Wall of Honor

…“All of us who knew Shawn can attest to his solid character and kind nature. He put others first, and did so for as long as I’ve known him,” said Shawn’s longtime friend, Clayton Ferguson, who now lives in Morgantown, W.Va. “Shawn gave 100 percent to all of his endeavors, and possessed the ability to accomplish nearly anything. I have nothing but fond memories to reflect upon, and am thankful to have enjoyed a friendship with a man of his caliber. Shawn is someone to be proud of, and will be profoundly missed.” …

“Shawn was always doing something for and with those girls. On this trip he took them fishing,” Pastor Davis said…

Shawn's last posting on Facebook was on November 4, 2010 and read

"I scroll through and read the daily happenings, inside jokes and the lives that have changed for the most part. It makes me sad to have grown so far apart of the friends and family i once knew. Outside of all this i am getting to come home around the holidays for a couple of weeks. Enjoy your holidays!" Fannin…


Carver:  Laurie Thurston carves with the Wood Carvers Den in Bellevue Ohio

Wood:  Black Walnut