Helton, Justin R.


Justin Helton

Beaver, Ohio

Feather Location: Row O, #20

By  Holly Zachariah / The Columbus Dispatch

BEAVER, Ohio — Nothing was ever going to get out of hand, not as long as Army Spc. Justin Helton was along.

If the tension got too thick, he cracked a joke. If someone was sad, he tried to heal the hurt. And if something couldn’t be resolved the easy way, well, he wasn’t one to back down from an honorable fight.

In his nearly four years in the Army, Helton quickly and quietly established himself as a leader. He always grabbed all the extra gear and added it to his own so that no one else would have to carry it. He volunteered for the toughest of missions. He led by example, and others just naturally followed, said Maj. Gen. J.B. Burton, under whose command Helton served.

“Other soldiers, regardless of their rank, wanted to be like him,” Burton said as he eulogized Helton yesterday…


…Helton's former baseball coach, Rob Day, said in a town where everyone knows each other, Helton's death has shaken everyone. "It really hits harder when you it's someone you know," said Day…

Hattle said what he'll miss most is Helton's upbeat personality. "He was just an all-around great guy," said Hattle.  "Never seen him angry or get upset.  Always lifts up people around him." …


Carver:  Ken Goodson

Wood:  Walnut