Kuhns Jr., Larry R.


Larry R. Kuhns

Austintown, Ohio 

Feather Location: Row P, #25

Condolences from Legecy.com

"Larry was my best friend for many years I have not spoken to his mom or sisters in a few years I would like to get together with all of you I miss him every day we have a lot of memories I love him very much I just did the canfield demo derby Larry and i built my first demo car and we got our first trophy together I put his pic on the roof of my demo cars every year cause it makes me feel that he is there with me" ~  Brian Collingwood, Struthers, Ohio

"After all this time... I can still see him joking with his men.... He was a good man that I thank God that I was able to meet in this lifetime.... The world is a lesser place without him in it!" ~  1SG Chad Wood, Lacey, Washington

"Sgt. Larry Kuhns was my brother, and I can’t tell everyone how much I miss him. For some reason lately I feel I miss him more than I have all year. I think that is because it has finally hit him that he isn’t coming home. I was pregnant when Larry came home in Jan. 05 and I just wish he could have had a chance to meet my son. He would have been the best uncle a baby could ask for. I don’t think this will every really feel real, but the only thing that gets me through is i know someday, I will see him again! He honestly was the best brother a girl could ask for. Always protected of me and wanted the best for me. I would love to talk to anyone who served in the army with him or any friends of his." ~  Sarah (Kuhns) Green, Austintown, Ohio

"I served with Sgt. Larry, Kuhns in the same platoon in Ramadi, Iraq. It was hard for me to deal with the loss. He was like a brother to me. My greatest regret is that his daughter will never get to know how wonderful her father was. I miss him so much. Many nights I have thought about Larry and cried. But I know that Larry wouldn't want me to shed a tear for him. So I stand hear trying to be strong, because that’s what he would have wanted. My deepest sorrow goes out to his family. To anyone who reads this i hope that you will be blessed in life to have a friend like Sgt. Larry, Kuhns. Till we meet again Kuhns. I will hold you in a special place in my heart." ~  spc rodman Eric, elkhart, Indiana

Carver:  Lou Baylog  / Army veteran / Great Lakes Wood Carvers.               

Wood:  Basswood