Filtering Images & Data

You can limit the number of images displayed using the tools provided on the Image & Data Management page. For example, you may want to see only images that have been updated after a specific date, or you want just the images from a specific classroom.

Subject Filters

The following options allow you to filter the subject records you wish to view and work with. Use multiple filters refine your search. After every filter change, the page will redisplay the images based upon the filter criteria specified. 

The following options on the Image and Data Management page can also be used to select subject records. 

View information for

This filters the subject data that is part of the selected school. Schools you have permission to access will be displayed.


Selecting a program displays the images for that program. The subject filters discussed previously are applied to the program's subjects.

Note: Changing the program resets everything to the new chosen program.

Searching by Subject Name

Type in either the first name or last name - not both - of the subject you wish to locate. Searching by a subject's name is applied to the currently filtered set of subjects. If a subject you are looking for was filtered out by a previously used filter, such as Grade, they will not be retrieved using the search by name feature. You will need to reset/change the filter causing the conflict, first. For example, a subject you are looking for is in grade 2, but you have already filtered for subjects in grade 5, you will need to change the Grade filter back to All Grades first, before being able to search for your desired subject by their name.