Lifetouch Portal Home Page

After logging in to the Portal, you will see the Lifetouch Portal Home Page. The home page contains the information you need to frequently view and allows you to gain quick access to complete tasks and access additional resources.  (Note that the Yearbook Resources links will be successful if the user has access to the Yearbooks applications).

Depending on the level of access assigned to your account – school or district, the home page will look slightly different. 

If the user has district level access for one district, the home page will display a location dropdown menu, View information for:, allowing the user to view the information for a specific school within the district they are associated with.

If you have access to some or all schools that fall within multiple districts, you will see a Viewing dropdown in the upper right corner of the screen. This dropdown is available from every Lifetouch Portal screen.  Use the dropdown to select which district you would like to view. Making this selection then changes all other location dropdowns through the Portal to the schools within the selected district:

At any point during your Lifetouch Portal session, select a different district from the Viewing dropdown as needed. This will then allow you to select Locations within the new district you just selected.