

So how do you feel about surprises?  Are they something you look forward to with a sense of delightful anticipation, or something that you feel a bit skittish about, which make you nervous or uneasy?  What makes the difference?

Surprise is a word we use to describe our reaction to something unexpected.  If we have had a number of unpleasant such events, or even a few profound ones, it is understandable that we might lack a certain amount of enthusiasm over the prospect of being surprised.  In fact, in some cases, those experiences unduly influence how we respond to surprise in general, even the good ones.  This is particularly the case if it involves having to think about things in new ways, and even more so if we are heavily invested in the ways of thinking or doing that our "surprise" challenges.  And of course, if having things all under control and all figured out is what we rely upon for our world to be OK, then surprises, be they good or bad, are not always welcome.  

Interestingly enough, when we open the pages of scripture and look at the lives of the people whose stories are recorded there, one of the things that quickly becomes apparent, is that surprise is everywhere!  God is constantly working in unanticipated and surprising ways, and in the process engendering a wide range of responses from great joy to consternation.  But what we also see is the huge difference it makes as to how we respond to the surprising activity of God.

That's what Pastor Ken explores in the sermon this week, as he reflects a bit on some surprising events in the story of Abraham, and a number of other passages of scripture that give us some insights into how surprised is experienced, and how important it is to respond to it appropriately.  If you would like to listen to the sermon again, or perhaps for the first time, you can access our sermon library by clicking here,. or going to our livestream webpage where you can find a recording of the entire service. 

Notes for Further Study

The Parts of Abram / Abraham's Story Touched On Today:

Genesis 12    The Call of Abram          

Genesis 13    Abram and Lot Separate 

Genesis 14    Abram Rescues Lot, and Meets Melchizedek      

Genesis 20    Abraham's Encounter with Abimelech

Another Example of God Surprising His People

Jonah    God Sends Jonah to Ninevah, Ninevah Repents, And Jonah is Angry and Sulky 

Surprising Passages in the New Testament

In addition to the amazing surprise that God had taken on human flesh in the person of Jesus, and that the path He would take to establish the Kingdom would go by way of the cross, which forms the foundation for everything else, there are also these passages in which we can see the dynamics of "surprise" being addressed:  (certainly not an exhaustive list, just those mentioned in the sermon)

Luke 13:10-17    The story of a woman who Jesus heals on the Sabbath, and the response to it.

Mark 9:38-41      The disciples dealing with others who were not "one of them" and Jesus' response

John 10:14           Jesus' statement that He has other sheep too

Hebrews 7            The priesthood of Jesus being after the order of Melchizedek

As you study and reflect on the above passages, think about them in terms of how they give us insights into how we respond to the surprise of God being at work in our lives and the lives of others in ways we might not have anticipated.

Where are the growing edges for you?     What did you find most surprising?