Young 1994 Materials


  • H. Peyton Young. Equity: In Theory and Practice. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994.


以下の必読文献は young94pub フォルダ (Googleドライブ) から入手できる:

  • Young 1994 演習問題 (young94exer.pdf).

  • Young 1994 注釈集 (young94comm.pdf).

以下の必読文献は young94restricted フォルダ (2022年12月にアクセス制限を解除した; Google Drive に置いてある) から入手できる:

  • 演習問題の正解例 (young94exer-ans.pdf)

  • 講義ノートの圧縮ファイル (

    • 2章の見本 (young94ch2.pdf) は上の young94pub フォルダにある. この章がいちばん抽象度が高い.他の章では集合の記号もほとんど出てこない.


  • 茨木俊秀 (2004),船木由喜彦 (2001),永谷裕昭 (1998) の必要部分

以下の視聴覚教材は上記 young94restricted フォルダ内に置くが,授業に出席していればべつに「必読」ではない:

  • (hand-written notes フォルダ内). 自習用のメモである young94ch??memos.pdf たちをふくむ.

  • young94mov. 自習用の音声ファイル.音声ファイル利用法を参照のこと.



To the Guests

This page concerns materials for courses based on the following book:

  • H. Peyton Young. Equity: In Theory and Practice. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994.

The lecture notes are contained in the young94restricted folder. A sample chapter (young94ch2e.pdf) and figures (young94ch2memos.pdf) can be found in the young94pub folder.

The young94restricted folder contains

  •, which contains pdf lecture notes in English (with the Japanese equivalents deleted);

  •, which contains tex input files for those who want to edit the notes (unfortunately, the tex files contain Japanese characters);

  •, which contains pdf lecture notes in English with the Japanese equivalents to some words added;

  • young94exer-ans.pdf, answers to exercises (in Japanese).

The following hand-written notes are also in the folder; these files are not contained in the zip files above.

  •, which contains figures

  • young94appendix1-2-4.pdf

  • young94appendix5.pdf

  • young94appendix7-8.pdf

In addition, the young94mov folder contains audio files of lectures given in Japanese.

Expired: Please respect the rights of the author (H.P. Young) and the copyright holder of the book. In particular, do not circulate the notes to the general public. Try to restrict them for a personal or a class use.


With some exception (e.g., notes for the Appendix), these notes were originally prepared for the MBA course "Axiomatic analysis of resource allocation: Equity in theory and practice" to be offered regularly from 2005 in the Graduate School of Management at Kagawa University. Most of them were first written while I was giving a pilot course to a small group of undergraduate students in 2004.

Only a few GSM students have a strong background in microeconomics or mathematics. They do not have much working knowledge of English. I therefore have to assume that the students cannot read the book by themselves, and only a few would try to read it after they are given an instruction on it. Under these circumstances, if I use a book in English, I have to design a course so that the students can do without actually reading the book. My approach was to write notes in English (so that students could compare them with the textbook) and to add Japanese equivalents to the words that were unlikely to be familiar to the students.

The class followed the notes, and I often referred to the textbook for definitions (those terms in small capital fonts) and for tables. The approach seemed to be working for the pilot course in 2004. Though the students did not respond much to the parts (like Section 4 in Chapter 2) using the set notations heavily, they responded very actively to the parts dealing with examples and tables. The notes followed the textbook very closely in order to encourage better students actually to try to read the book. (If the notes had not been very close, the lack of their English ability would have prohibited them from accessing the book.)

H. Reiju Mihara