Classwork/Homework - Tuesday, April 28

Post date: Apr 28, 2020 3:34:56 AM

Happy Tuesday!  Please remember to sign into SeeSaw each day to do the posted assignment.  This is how attendance is taken.  Three students did not sign in yesterday and were therefore marked absent.  Here is the work for Tuesday:

1.  SeeSaw - When you sign in to SeeSaw today you will see a math assignment.  Please complete and submit.  

2.  ELA - Use the last two vocabulary words from Money Matters (skills, chores) in sentences.  Read pages 26 to 31in the Money Matters book.  Then on looseleaf or in a notebook answer the following questions.  

How does a budget help you to save money?

What are some things a family must include in a budget?

FYI:  Today's Social Studies assignment goes hand in hand with what you are reading in ELA today.  You may want to do that assignment before you answer these questions.

3.  Grammar - Contractions review sheet

4.  Phonics - Sort this week's er, ir and ur words by doing page 199.

5.  Spelling - Write each of these words three times and use each in a sentence.

            hurt            nurse            swirl            third            verb

6.  Religion - Do the Project Disciple pages in the chapter - pages 216 and 217.

7.  Math - Do pages 161 and 162 in the skinny math book.

8.  Social Studies - Go to BrainPopJr and do the posted assignment.  You will be watching a movie on "Saving and Spending", taking a short quiz and doing a short written assignment.

Just For Fun:  You may have heard or noticed that many people are making rainbows and hanging them on their doors or windows.  Rainbows are a sign of hope.  Rainbows usually appear after a storm.  We know we are going through a kind of storm right now, but we must remind ourselves to keep searching for a rainbow.  So let's do some rainbow activities... here's a video to tell you about rainbows.  I've also included a rainbow coloring sheet so that you can spread  hope with your own rainbow.  There is also a rainbow color word puzzle.  Have fun!