Simon Helwig

A whole new me

Over this last year, I have learned many things about myself. One of these is how I am as a person. I now know that I like exploring ideas with only limiting guidance. This was present to me at the very start of the year when we went to the Toronto Islands. I had been there only a couple of times and this was with my family. This time I was going only with a couple friends and a few tasks to do. We were told to shoot b-roll around the island and interview the residents there. I learned that I like doing these types of activities. With only a few instructions I felt I could be free to decide what to do and how to split up the time that I had. I was able to do things with my group and we didn't have to ask anyone if we could or couldn't. Before the trip I was shy but after this, I felt more confident in myself and how I work with others.

I also learned many things about how I am as a student. During the early parts of the year, I was very messy would never organize my google drive. This was not as important in the previous year but ICE changed that. For every unit, there would be many google slides and documents for each session. This meant that I had to know where they were. As ICE went along I made folders for each unit and folders in them for specific lesson material. When we went on a field trip to the Kensington market I took many photos. I then had to transport them into my google drive for my photo essay. If my drive had not been organized then these photos would get mixed with the other docs and it would be impossible to pick out any good pictures. Since I did have a folder just for the photos this meant it was easier to do so. I have learned that I can be a good student and keep my drive clean if I put the effort into doing so.

A big thing I have learned about is myself is, how as a Canadian, I can connect with other Canadians and help tell our story. An example of when I learned this was when we went to Ottawa. I had to make a podcast about how Canada is represented in Ottawa. I was able to do this by connecting with other Canadians in Ottawa who work at museums and even our tour guild. I was able to find common ground with how we both perceived Ottawa and Canada as a whole. I changed over this trip to be more open-minded towards others and how they all have a different story to tell as a Canadian

FINAL ICE DOC - COVID-19 and Travel.mp4