Olivia Novac

Final Blog Post- My Slippery Journey with ice...

Lunch with 9C at Wanakita

Posing with 9C at Wanakita

Breakfast In Ottawa

My Indigenous Summative Why wear orange... - about the orange shirt

Winter Camping

My last ice blog, disparaging yet content and exhilarating all at the same time. Why?

Well, it all started September, 3, 2019, Wanakita (Wanakita blog). Our very first grade trip, marking the first of many. This trip was a moment I will never forget as I developed friendships with my classmates. The first day of school, Tuesday 3rd. I met many new classmates however, meeting Emi, a new student was most prominent. We introduced ourselves and I asked her if she wanted to sit next me on the bus, flashforward Wednesday we sat chatting on the bus having a great time. Emi was one was kind hearted, sweet and very smart. I knew from just the ride up to Wanakita that this year was going to be great. However, the fun didn’t stop there, we arrived at Wanakita and settled into our cabins, where I met 2 new students Sam and Nyna. Walking around camp Wanakita with my friends I saw my brother Sam. With Sam was a new student who I later learned is named Riccardo. Sam's had two bags well the other student had one, Riccardo picked up Sam's other bag and started carrying it for him. This is one the many reasons I know The York School community is one of the best. Wanakita helped me understand that I should venture out and make new friends as it is clear these students all care about each other's equality as much as I do.

It was all fun and games until the second week of September started. I believe I speak for all students when I say ICE class was frightening. The thought of sitting through hours of ICE class does not seem enjoyable. However, I was very wrong. ICE was definitely one of my favorite classes. I got the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal Communities, World War 1 and 2, Post war (great depression etc..), Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM Blog) and much more. I even got the chance to pick my own topic, domestic abuse and learn all about it, connecting it to the recent pandemic Coronavirus (Coronavirus Blog). This topic was very important to me as I believe many women around the world face domestic abuse. I think it's very important as a young woman to stand up for other women who don’t have a voice. Without ICE class and my ICE teacher Ms.Ross, I wouldn’t be encouraged to write passionately about things that I am serious about. Reflecting back to last year, grade 8, I would have never written so passionately about topics like Inuit people with poor mental health or African American Women who face domestic abuse. Without the passion I would not be the writer I have become and will continue to become.

Although being in the ICE class and learning through videos, books and class discussions was a huge aspect of the ice program, working outside the classroom was just as important. Being in ICE I got the chance to visit kensington market, distillery district, Center Island (Olivia’s Toronto Island documentary and blog), winter camping (Winter camping blog) and more, going to Ottawa was an experience I will never forget. On December 11th, 2019 our grade left for Ottawa to learn more about Canadian Culture, to say I was excited was an understatement. We gotta visit the Canadian War Museum, National Gallery of Canada, Canadian Meaums of History, and many more. We even got to Visit parliament, where we meet MP Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations since 2015. This trip showed me how proud I should be of being Canadian, as we our a country who preserved through challenges. Canada is proud of the diversity within its society and amplifies all the beautiful cultures.

I have shared my thoughts on my grade 9 year and shared how I have changed as a person, student and Canadian. You might be wondering why I used the word “disparing” at the beginning of my blog. Well, that’s because i’m sad. I’m sad I can no longer go on trips to cool places like Ottawa, i’m sad I can no longer complain about Ice novel books, but secretly enjoy reading them. and most importantly, i’m sad because i’m saying goodbye to a year that didn’t just make me “smarter” but gave me a perspective about important issues that everyone should be informed about, which I am incredibly thankful for. I will take all this knowledge I have learned with me and imply them to my Academic life.

Goodbye, Grade 9

My final project:

I created this documentary with my friend Julia Hardy about the increase of domestic abuse during this pandemic- covid-19. This project gave my the opportunity to express my interest in women equality and show my opinion as a young women. The most challenging aspect of my project was collecting all my sources and putting it all together in a visually appealing matter. I believe I overcame this challenge and ended up with work that I am proud of.

Domestic Abuse Project by Olivia and Julia..mp4