Rowan Betts

Finally we have reached the end of our ICE year. With so many memories from our countless ICE excursions it is hard to choose the very best ones. I think the wanakita trip that we did at the beginning of the ICE year helped me to learn more about myself and my fellow classmates. This trip was held at the beginning of the year and was a way to introduce the ICE course in a more relaxed environment. From this I learned that I was rather good at a lot of the activities/challenges that we were being given. The trip also helped me as well as my fellow ICE classmates to get to know one another.

Through the course of the ICE year we have been learning about Canada and what it means to be Canadian. From this year I have been able to really appreciate how lucky we are to live in the country that we do. I think the trip that helped me to appreciate that was when we visited Ottawa in November of 2019. The trip lasted the greater part of a week and was filled with visits to popular tourist sights in the capitol. From the trip I learned really how much history there is in Canada and how as a Canadian I have to appreciate the journey of our country.

For myself academically I learned that as a student it is my responsibility to learn the history of our country to pass on the lessons learned by Canadians in the past. I think the unit where we looked at WW1/WW2 was the unit that helped me understand that the most. Now that we have reached the end of the year I have been able to reflect on the many events and projects that took place over the ICE year.

To conclude our year we were tasked to make a final product on how Covid-19 has affected some aspect of our lives or certain places in the world. The project would have to feture at least 2 interviews from a stakeholder or an expert involved in your chosen topic. For my project I decided to look at how Covid-19 has affected youth sports in Canada. Here is a short preview (click this link to see the whole thing: