Junxian Huen

The Last Blog post

I can't believe grade nine is ending in a few days! I still can remember the first day of school when I stepped in my homeroom, hoping grade nine being over as soon as possible. It's been a long journey and over this school year I have grown and changed a lot. Throughout this year with ICE I had a chance to look at myself as a person, student and as a Canadian, and this blog will be showing my memories and changes throughout this year

The first event would have to be the Wanakita trip at the start of the year, from grade 7 when I came to this school Wanakita was like a nightmare to me, I'm very shy until I know someone very well and talking to people is my biggest weakness but this year of Wanakita was totally different. I made a choice that I would talk to more people I don't really know and it worked out really well and I got closer with a lot more people that I would never think I would before. I think that stepping out of your comfort zone and knowing more people is very important and this event changed me as a person that I became more confident in myself. This link will bring you to my blog for Wanakita!

Winter camping is an event that was a memory I would never forget. In ICE we learned about the people living in the actual north and our grade had a chance to experience living in the north of Canada. being isolated from outside and I really enjoyed, we did a lot of things like playing north games, skiing and building a quinzee by ourselves...we had a lot of fun although it was really cold and I forgot to bring a hat. This link here will bring you to my Winter camping blog.

ICE sounded scary in grade 8, imagine having almost the whole day having English, and it really is really hard. A lot of homework but I think that this is the way to change as a student. I am in highschool now and after climbing over this first step of highschool, year after grade 9 would be easier because of the works in grade 9 are being managed slowly but better by me and I think that ICE changed me as a student that I have the ability to manage my work better.

In conclusions I loved ICE and it really was a pity that I couldn't go on challenge week. But this program has changed me completely from the start of the year, I am grateful to have this program helping me start a great first year of highschool.

For my final ICE project I made an infographic to explore on how COVID-19 has affected the homeless community and after finishing this project I realized that the most vulnerable community during this virus would be the homelessness and I think they need more attention. This link below is my infographic, have a look!
