Joshua Gough

A Learning Experience

I have had the opportunity to learn about Canadian politics and issues. I have been able to learn more about Canadian history and culture on our many trips. I have been able to develop my opinions and inform myself about topics that affect me every day. Above all this, my greatest experience throughout the ICE program is the winter camping trip.

During the summers I usually go on camping trips in Maine, but I have never gone camping in the Canadian Winter. The beautiful colours and smells of summer camping are amazing and make me feel warm and happy. A stark contrast to the cold and barren Camp Pinecrest. The cold suffered me many misfortunes, like frozen shoes and frigid hands though despite all the unfavourable qualities winter camping has, it was unbelievable.

I recall a moment, just before dawn, when looking out across the frozen lake our campsite was next too, you could see the most breathtaking sunset lighting up the sky. Something about how it was so different from the rest of the bland white and grey and made up the other 99% of our trip surprised me. This moment changed the way I look at, on the surface, uninteresting opportunities. I know this saying has been used to death but I really understood the meaning of "Don't judge a book by its cover" because that 1% made up for all the other tribulations I faced.

Listen to my Podcast here:

Podcast_ How to Stay Safe (1).mp4