Yusif Balbaa

this year in ice has been filled with many learning experinces. Ice has been full blown learning expeince for all grade 9s. I am not going to lie some of the trips we went through and projects were pretty tough but, other times Ice gave me a chance to interact with my peers and learn more about my culture. These experiences have made me grow as a person, a student and a Canadian.

As a person ice has shown me to be more greatful for what I have. by learning about many different people and how they live has made me much more appreciative of what I have. One specifc time were I really learnt to be greatful was non other then winter camping. I was not excited to go winter caming at all but, little did I know that this trip was going to show me one of the most important things in life;gratitude.

As a student of grade 9 ice I have learned that I am actually a lot more capibale as a student then I thought I was. Ice was full of learning but, at some times during the year it was loaded with a lot of work and made it much harder. At those times I would be extremly stressed and would think that I could do it but, I actually manged all my work and got it done on time and well. A specific moment of when something like this happened during the year was two weeks ago. We had many projects due in one week like the book interview,our planners, our podcast and this blog but, I manged it and tried my best with all of those projects.

As a Canadian I have learned my responsibilties in the future and how to be a active citizen. Civics class in ice taught me a lot about my country and how and what it means to be a Canadian.

My character has changed a lot this year in ice. I have went from a person who is not eager to learn to someone who actually wants to know what is going on. Ice has been challenging but, a great experience

Yusif and Owen.mp4