Benjamin Salmons

Life Lessons From ICE

Throughout my ICE experience I’ve learnt a ton about Canada and its history, myself, and my peers. As a student I’ve learnt better than ever before that procrastination is bad. In ICE we can have a lot of work and multiple assignments due within a short time. Like when we had our north IGT’s and short stories due within about a week. During this time I did not procrastinate because the last time I did was bad. We were reading a novel about World War One and had to have finished it by a certain point. I left this all to the night before it was due, and spent what felt like forever reading the hundred and something pages that were left. This was a big mistake as I was very tired the next day for the in class assignment.

From the World War One book that we read I also learnt a ton about Canada's role in the first World War. At first I thought that we were just sideline players who just watched as the Allied countries fought the Central Powers. But, in reality Canada was a huge part. Such as out key role in the success at Vimy Ridge, we really proved our part on the world stage. After that, we were taught about how Canada also was very helpful in the second World War. Like in the Dieppe Raid where we learnt a ton which lead to the success of D-Day.

Finally, I learnt that I work best with others. Now, you might think that this is about being a student, but in reality, groups are everywhere. From sports teams, to bands, and just overcoming challenges being easier with others. The most visible time of teamwork helping was when we did an escape room in Ottawa. Although we didn’t get out in time, we did get very close with only two of the many locks being left by the end. All in all, ICE was a very valuable experience that has taught me many lessons.

Below is the link to my final project in ICE. We were tasked with creating a piece of media (infographic, podcast, mini documentary or photoessay) about a current issue, related to the virus. I chose the effects of low pollution on, climate change and if those changes would matter.