Amelia Ellis

Ninth grade is one of the most important years at the york school and that is because of the ICE program. ICE gives us the opportunity to grow as people, students and Canadians. As a person I feel that I have learned a lot. Several experiences this year have changed how I approach situations. One example that sticks out is winter camping. Winter camping helped me learn to have fun and enjoy moments even when I am uncomfortable. I have also become a better writer and have become better at expressing my ideas. As a student I have thought more about my future and what I want to be. I have become more considerate of my choices and how they will affect my future. Perhaps my biggest change is as a Canadian. I have known about the ICE course for a few years and I was always a little wary of it. I didn’t want to do ICE because I have never thought of myself as Canadian and I still don’t. I thought ICE was going to be all about Canada all the time. I thought history was going to be very boring and I wasn’t going to be able to connect to anything. And in some ways I was right, It was very hard for me to connect and understand why I needed this. But through this year I have learned I don’t have to be canadian for what we learnt to be important. I can use what we learn not only in school but as well as when I learn about things that interest me. Overall I think that this year has been important and

Final Media Project.mp4