9A: Gardner

Dear 9A,

I started the year off to you with a letter so it seems fitting that I would finish it off with another. It's funny to think of writing that first letter to you as a way of introduction -- an opportunity to tell you more about myself, an attempt to try to make you feel more comfortable at the beginning of our work together. Now, I write and think not at all about myself but instead have you only in mind. You guys are the heroes of this story -- you've grown so much in only one year and deserve to be incredibly proud of yourselves.

You've learned that it's okay to be uncomfortable; I think you've learned that in fact we grow from discomfort. For example, you emerged from the cold winds of Pinecrest, shedding your winter camping layers, realizing that you're in fact much stronger and more resilient than you might have thought you were. You've seen that you can go into a conversation with a stranger -- an expert -- feeling nervous and shy, but come out feeling bolstered by the knowledge they shared with you. You can work through difficult challenges with ever greater independence. And, you can always find ways to contribute to our communities in a meaningful way. You've learned that your contribution -- to your class community at school, to your family during the pandemic and always, to your greater community -- is important.

Thank you for "playing along" this year, and taking on all the different challenges we threw your way. I felt lucky to spend this time with you, and look forward to seeing you around the halls of the school soon. Have a great summer!

At Work in the Classroom

At Work in the Great Outdoors