Daniel Izeti


This year I learned how difficult it was to be a true Canadian/Northerner. I saw all the difficulties people in the north have to go too. I realized that from where I live in Toronto we are more part of the USA than our own country. In fact almost no one knows whats going on in the north with how cold it is to the inflation rate to the lack of government help. It reminds me of what my parents had to go through in Albania and I feel it shouldn't be like that in such a rich country. It's a fight for life where you would have to wait months to get a small house, while in Toronto when my family bought a house it took like 2 days to be official. This makes me reflect on my own life and think how lucky I am. I am so lucky that people in the same country can't live like me and with other countries may never get the chance. I am so lucky to have the good weather be able to get food on the table and more. ICE 2020 has made me appriciate my life more with every lesson. These lessons were not only school lessons they were life lessons hidden with in the words.