Ethan Burstein

The York School is known for the ICE program, this year we had many different experiences thet helped us learn about Canada and ourselves as people in Canada. We did everything from doing documentaries on Center Island to learning about Canada's growth from WWI and WWII. Looking back at the ICE program it was a very different experience from anything else and very hard to explain in so few words.

At the beginning of the year for most people ICE was this big thing lurking up on them. The farther we got into ICE the better it got. We wrote lots of blogs about our experiences and what we were doing and did lots of projects in many different styles. We made podcasts, documentaries, essays, photo journals and a lot more. Right before March break we were learning about how Canada had adapted in times of challenge and change. Right after March break we started online school due to COVID-19 and started living through what we were learning.