Jack Eves

My Crazy ICE yeaR!!!

This Integrated Canadian Experience has been super fun for me, and crazy with all of the Field trips that we went on. This is the final blog that I will be writing, So let's make it a fun one. In this blog I'm going to be talking about how ice class has changed me and how I have a different perspective on character. I'm also going to be talking about some of my favourite moments throughout the year that made my grade 9 you're so fun and exciting. Too bad my teachers won't be with me in grade 10.

Throughout this year my character has changed mainly due to these two Field trips that we went on which were: Ottawa and winter camping. The reason why Ottawa changed my character was I have a different perspective for politics and I have learned why they are very important and why Ottawa is such a big part of this country. I learned most of what I know about Ottawa from going on tours learning about them from the community. I also really enjoyed going to Nando's Because I became better friends with my classmates. Secondly, my character changed from Winter camping because I persevered through sickness during the trip and I learned that I am able to survive out in the wild with others. Which I also really enjoyed. Other than slowly dying but it's fine.

One of my favourite moments from this year was going to wanakita. The reason why this was one of my favourite memories is because this is where I meant one of my best friends. I met Ricardo at wanakita when he was just a new kid, but then he got into the boys cuz he's a virus and wouldn't leave so we had no other choice (i'm just kidding, I love him). Also I really just like spending time with my friends and really getting to know how cool my teachers were. At the campsite I formed a very good relationship with Mr. Lam and with my advisor Nathan who I became really good friends with.

Another one of my favourite memories from My Grade 9 experience was probably going to Ottawa. The reason why is because I got to share a hotel room with one of my good friends Sam and I really enjoyed going into an escape room even though it was kind of scary but it's fine. Another reason why Ottawa was so fun Is because of our trip to Nando's and eating the Peri-Peri chicken. Also when we were at Nando's we had a spice contest to see who would eat chicken with the spiciest hot sauce which I thought was really really fun.

Lastly, It's small but really made me have a different perspective of this class and how it can be very fun if we don't talk to each other for a long time during class we will be rewarded. Mr. Aitkenhead set up a game of hide and seek around the school. I enjoy this very much and maybe one of my favourite memories of me and all of my classmates having fun together. This was right before quarantine started.

In conclusion this year was very fun and I'm so glad that I was able to take part in my class. I'm so sad that I won't have the same teachers next year but can't wait to become friends with new people and new teachers. Thank you for making this year such a great year.

Copy of Jack Eves - Toronto Man Tails.mp4 on 2020-06-08 10:02:59

Toronto Man Tails

by jack eves