

As I look back at this year I feel that I became more of a risk-taker. Throughout the school year, I started to do things without overthinking the situation and deciding to back down after. For example this year for the first time, I did the polar dip in Wanakita. The polar dip is when you wake up at 7 in the morning and run into the ice-cold water in the lake. Previous years I didn't even consider doing it because I normally don't make myself go through physical harm without reason but I took all that out of the picture and did the polar dip.

Throughout the ICE year, I have grown my writing skills. This is because ICE is basically an English and humanity course but more enjoyable. Instead of listening to lectures about WW1 and WW2, we went to Otowa to go to the national war museum. This made me more willing to do work and helped me understand the topic I was talking about more as I am a visual learner. This year I have also started to put more effort into my work and to follow the instructions more to fully understand what I have to be doing.

With all the field trips that wee took as an ICE class, I feel like I have grown to know more about Canadien culture. On-field trips we learned many things, from first nations to WW2. These trips really helped me understand the history and culture of Canada and were a lot of things come from. I think that if I didn't go through ICE this year I would have thought that Canada was just a colder clone of the USA.