9D: Mr. Aitkenhead

9D in September

Kicking off the year at Wanakita.

9D in June

Bringing the year to a close at....Google Meet

9D Explores Kensington 2019.mp4

Dear 9d

What a year it has been! When I started my second year as a member of the ICE team, I certainly thought to myself "well, this should be easy". I now reflect on this as I sit in my "home office" and can't believe how wrong I was! However, I don't think I would have been able to make it through without such a great group showing up each and every day.

Gathering photos for this page allowed me to reflect on how much the class has grown over the school year. I can't believe you are all the same people that went out kayaking on that first day at Camp Wanakita. The first few months were certainly an adjustment period, as you became comfortable with your newfound independence as a senior school student. Be it our photo walk around the downtown core, our trip to the Toronto Island, or even our Dollarama shopping spree for our Manual Book Report, you could see the growth each and every time you stepped foot outside the walls of the York School. For some it came quickly, and for others it took time, but you all managed to come to understand that with freedom, comes responsibility. To watch you all become active, responsible citizens by year end was an absolute pleasure. Your final ICE products blew me away, and truly demonstrate how much of an impact the program had on you. Now, it is up to you to continue your growth as an experiential learner as you tackle the everyday problems we still face as a community. I know that you are all more than equipped!

As you move forward into your summer, I truly hope that you can reflect on what a fantastic year you had in the face of adversity. Please stay safe, stay healthy, and I look forward to seeing you in person again when we go back in the fall!


Mr. Aitkenhead