a n n i e w h i t e!

Before going into grade 9 I was known as Annie white, fun caring and nice. Yes, I know....boring.

After going through grade 9 ICE, I am now known as independent, confident, resilient, funny, Inclusive, principled, and lots more.

Not only have I learned more about Canada, but I've learned more about myself. From going into depth about Canada’s character, I learned more about my own character and personality. I have come to a realization that I'm not JUST fun, caring, and nice, but there is lots more to see.

From making it through ICE this year I have become a stronger and smarter person. As well as this, I have made some stronger relationships with the people in my class. There is not one single person in my class who I wouldn't call my friend. I am so grateful for being in such a great class with great people.


My rotation group when winter camping :)

Honestly, I can't say one thing I enjoyed the most this year. My two favorite trips were the Toronto island and winter camping. I found these trips were more about bonding with my classmates. Winter camping was one of the best experiences ever, especially sleeping in a quinzee for a night. Such an amazing experience, I will never ever forget it. When we went to the island, I found I made amazing relationships with not only my class but other classes too. I'm so happy with the relationships I have gained this school year, I have had so so much fun this year and I'm so grateful for all the trips we got to do!

Me and my quinzee group sleeping in our hand build home (which I miss a lot.)

Me and my group at the Toronto Islands

On the learning side of things, I am not Canadian and before going into ICE I knew almost nothing about Canada’s history. I have learned SO SO SO much this year. If I were to choose one of my favorite things we have done, it would be our INDIAN HORSE unit. I think this stood out to me as I have quite open opinions on racism and topics similar to that. I found I learned lots about not only Canada but also myself and how I'm so grateful for where I live and how much I have in life.

From this unit, I created a door, I loved doing this as I find I love more hands-on and creative projects. The door (as you can see pictures below) has one with a negative side and one with positive. On the negative side of the door, lots of objects were blocking the door so It isn't able to open, on the positive side the door was able to open as nothing was blocking it. I won't go into much more detail, but here are some pictures of my project.

front view

back view

slide view

As well as this project, I really enjoyed our most recent ice final task. I think I liked it because it was about more recent times and I got to get into more detail on current issues.

Below you can see my podcast link. My podcast is all about the effect that COVID-19 has had on front line responders over the past few months.

Overall, I think I have learned so much about Canada and myself and I hope I continue to learn more and more each year. I know it's heartbreaking to say that the ice year is over, but I do think it's been one of the best years yet!