Amber Ellis

Overcoming Challenges

By creating different types of media, I have improved my skills as a student. I now know how to apply the knowledge I learn in class to different things and I also have been able to go out of my comfort zone to better myself as a student. An example of this is when we were tasked with creating a podcast about Ottawa. I had never made a podcast, so it was very new to me. But, by creating it I learned how to use the things that I learned (the articles I read and the facts I picked up from our trip to Ottawa) and transfer them into a podcast. Creating a podcast also forced me out of my comfort zone. For the podcast we needed interviews, which meant going up to people and talking to them. This is something I have a hard time doing because I don't like talking to people I don't know, but I needed to do it. Although at the time I thought it was awful, it helped me be able to talk to people I don't know very well, which is a very good skill to have as a student because it means you'll have an easier time asking for help. The podcast wasn't the only project that helped me as a student, but it definitely had the biggest impact.

Through winter camping my character as a person developed into someone who can overcome challenges. In the past I have done different camping things at York, but I had never done anything like winter camping. So, it was a very different experience, with many challenges. The biggest one for me was building the quinzees. First, we had to make a pile of snow big enough for our group. We measured by all the group members lying down next to each other then somebody drawing a circle to remember when building. Then we had to poke holes all around the pile, so that when digging it out we don't make it too thin or too thick. We had to wait overnight for it to harden, but the next day we dug them out. Then finally at the end of the day we moved our stuff in and slept overnight. The hardest parts of the building were making the pile and digging out the quinzee because it was hard to stay motivated when doing these tasks. But, I think that the biggest challenge overall was sleeping in the quinzee. Our quinzee was a bit too small for us so we had to sleep in very uncomfortable positions. And because there were only two of us it was extremely cold. Quinzees were only one of the many challenges we faced during winter camping, but I was able to make it through them. In fact I didn't even have to sleep in the quinzee there was an option to sleep in the tent, but I decided to take on the challenge and I ended up overcoming it.

I found that as a person living in Canada it was important for me to learn about past and present indigenous issues. It is important to be informed on subjects such as these, and to be aware that there are still many problems indigenous people face. Throughout the year we learned more about these problems. We started by learning about the past by reading Indian Horse. This book followed a kid named Saul throughout his life, and all of the challenges he faced due to residential school. I think that learning about all aspects of Canada history is extremely important in ensuring that past mistakes are not repeated. Although we can't vote now, in future we will have to make sure that we vote for fair people that will protect everyone's rights. We also spent time learning about current issues during our north unit. Much like learning about history it is important to know what it currently happening even if it is not happening to you. If more people know about these problems, then it's easier to help the people affected. By learning about indigenous issues I learned more about myself as a Canadian.

Overcoming Challenges

Individuals have faced numerous challenges during COVID-19, and must rely on the Canadian ideals of community and character to overcome.

Overcoming Challenges.mp4