Amir Jalilvand

How I changed in ice

As the year of Grade 9 began, my thoughts towards the class of ICE (Integrated Canadian Experience) were not particularly good. I thought this because of the many hours that would require me to be in the same class and the workload that would come with it. But as time had gone on the class of ICE had changed me in a positive way and so my attitude towards it had very drastically changed. One thing that I remember that truly helped me out personally was when we received lots of homework. although I wasn't too happy about it, I was still able to learn how to properly manage my time and to make sure I effectively work to get all of the work done on time and to the best of my abilities. I needed this skill during very recently as a matter of fact because of all the work we have been given I needed to be able to manage my time very well and to the best of my abilities. And because of this, it has truly changed me as a student because I can now manage my time much more efficiently and this skill will aid me in future years.

I believe that ICE has also been able to change who I am as a person and teach me the very necessary skills I will need in life. The most important one I learned, in my opinion, was the ability to collaborate with people. In ICE we have indulged in numerous group activities and so with the activities comes teamwork and collaboration. Over the course of the year, I have been able to collaborate better with my peers by making sure everyone's ideas are accounted for equally and to make sure everyone shares equal leadership over the task at hand. This skill will prove to be extremely useful in life because of the fact that in life we work with people all the time and so being able to do that well and efficiently makes me a better person and prepares me very well for future things in life.

I am also aware of the fact that ICE class has changed me as a Canadian. Throughout the year we have learned so much about Canada's large history and it has given me a significantly better understanding of the country in which I live. But I think what really made me more of a Canadian was when we had travelled up north to go winter camping as a grade. During this, we needed to see what life would be like outdoors and in the cold snow and ice. We learned new skills such as cooking and fire building and for most of us, it gave us the chance to explore a new part of Canada that seemed to be new to us. The trip was very different for me because I had never experience camping like winter camping and so I was able to learn many new things and give myself an experience I had never had before. And this experience will stick with me for a long time and I will remember it as a very great time in my life.

So I think that ICE has really changed me into a better person than I was before and as the year comes to a close I am glad to have been able to learn all these new things and to carry most of these lesson throughout life and to maybe one a day pass on those lessons to others. I am very grateful to have been able to experience ICE class and was an amazing experience for me