9C: Ms Ross

A message from Ms Ross:

9C visiting Kensington Market in fall 2019

Dear 9C,

I love this class so much! From the very first day, before we headed up to Wanakita, I knew they were special - how they listened to one another (and me!) and showed up with smiles, even though the first day is always nerve-wracking and everyone was feeling extra shy. We had 7/16 newcomers to the school and I was thrilled to see how welcoming and helpful our returning students were. The positivity and kindness in room 203 was already evident and only grew throughout the year.

Another thing that is great about 9C is how keen they are when it comes to learning. Through all of the assignments and projects and trips and (sometimes) long days in the classroom, 9C stayed engaged and on task - even during the pandemic! I was worried about how the online learning would go - would students attend regularly? Hand in their work? Participate in group discussions? I was amazed at how you went above and beyond with your commitment to your own learning opportunities and our class community. Switching to an online classroom was made possible (and even fun at times!) because of your positive attitudes and open minds.

Reflecting back on this year, I know I was so lucky to work with 9C. Funny memories like canoeing in circles to get to our out lunch at Wanakita, then trying (unsuccessfully) to make/eat pizzas over the fire with dignity while the sauce spilled all over nature and ourselves like molten lava. Little moments like a quick dance break and a sweet treat after a 'celebration of learning' - and the famous song by Kool & The Gang that hopefully will make you think back to this year with a smile when you hear it. Watching in amazement during winter camping as every single one of you kept working on those quinzees until they were all strong and sturdy - even after your own was finished! I have never felt so unnecessary as I did in on that day when I saw you all helping one another, unprompted, and not one person giving up until the challenge was completed. All of my finely honed nagging skills were rendered useless ;) This meant each member of the class could push themselves to try sleeping under and in the snow for a night - and I was amazed/proud that you all did. 9C really knows the power of a supportive community.

Thank you students for a wonderful year together. Thank you to your parents for all of the support and encouragement that I know happens behind the scenes in order to get through the tough moments. But what an amazing pay off! The students of 9C now know that, when they encounter challenge, they can rely on their community and themselves to work through it and, just maybe, come out stronger at the end.

Have a fun, safe, and restful summer! Please pop by 203 and visit next year!

Ms Ross

Getting to know one another at Wanakita, Sept 2019

Exploring Toronto, fall 2019

History & Civics (and everyone's fave bus ride) in Ottawa, Dec 2019

Teamwork and rehearsal for being cold, Norval Jan 2020

Winter Camping, part 1 at Pinecrest

Winter Camping, part 2 actually sleeping in the snow!

All the things you can do with snow!

You've come a long way!