Charlie Kernaghan

The Grade 9 experience

Grade 9 has been a very fun and interesting experience for me with ICE. ICE was a new style of learning that I really enjoyed. ICE has given me many experiences that I will cherish forever and it has also changed me as a person. Going outside of the school to learn and experience things was very beneficial for me because I gained more interest in the topic. For example, going to a museum to learn something was better for me than just doing it in the class because it was different. ICE has been very fun this year and the experiences not only changed me as a person but also brought me closer to my friends.

ICE changed me as a person because I have become more open when it comes to sharing in front of a group of people. At the start of this year, I was not comfortable at all speaking in front of people but after we did it a lot throughout the year I got more used to it but, I am still not fully comfortable speaking in front of a large group. An example of how I got more used to speaking in front of a group is during winter camping when we had to talk about character traits in front of half the grade. Before the start of this year, I would hate to do something like that but during winter camping I had talked in front of large groups of people enough that I was ok with it and when I realized that I got way more confident. This year has made me way more confident about speaking in front of a group of people.

ICE has changed me as a student because I have learned how I learn best. I learn best by going out and learning which is really difficult right now. I think this because just sitting in the same spot doing work I am productive but, I am more motivated when I am out and doing it somewhere else. I find that being at a museum or library helps me be more productive because it is a different space and something about it makes me feel more productive.

ICE has also changed me as a Canadian because it has taught me how aboriginal people in Canada where miss treated. I knew that the aboriginal people in Canada had been miss treated in Canada’s past but I did not know how bad residential schools and the racism they faced. This changed me as a Canadian because I became more open-minded as to what the aboriginal people faced and I learned how we have to change to be more appreciative of there culture.