Lauren Chia

Me, Myself and I (A Somewhat Self Centred Post)

As we all know the ICE program is a defining trait of the grade nine year at York. Due to this a lot of time was spent learning about Canadian character and in turn growing in character ourselves as well. Here are the moments that have helped develop my character as a person, student and Canadian through ICE.

A picture of ice not ICE (so we don't get confused...) (Source)

The field trip to Toronto Island... really did something for me as a person. To be honest, I am not entirely sure it made a huge difference to my character, but it definitely made it clear as to who I am. I learned that talking to strangers is really scary for me. Especially when I also had to ask if I could record, and then proceeded to asked hard, almost philosophical questions. So yeah, I learned it's scary and heartstopping. But I guess I also got better at it? I didn't necessarily feel less awkward each time we interviewed someone, but I did stutter less. So, definitely an improvement. Later on in the year I participated in an outside of school event where I had to lead an activity for (young) semi-strangers. Like the trip to Toronto Island I was not confident, but as the hours progressed I began to feel more comfortable leading. While even thinking back to the field trip gives me not-so-cute butterflies, I am also realizing that the experience did make me just a little bit more confident.

This year has been an amazing learning period for me as a student. To pick one moment is too hard, so I have chosen a theme if you will. Each time we have shared and presented our knowledge in a new way, I have not only tried something new, but have enjoyed it too. This blog as well as the photo essay, documentary, podcast, infographics and now creating a web page have been really great as a student. All of these products challenged me as they were all new ways of showcasing my work. Each time I had to learn how to use a new program, and each time I marvelled at the fun it was to work on projects. From these experiences I have learned that it is okay and more than acceptable to show my work in creative ways.

The biggest moment that helped develop my character as a Canadian was when we voted in school. Leading up to voting we did a lot of preparation, learning about government, different parties and the voting system. I have never been the most involved with politics and government, and this unit was a way for me to change that. As a Canadian citizen it is important that I have at least a basic understanding of our government and through this activity I was able to achieve that and more.

Through just these three examples I have grown to be more confident, creative and understanding of Canadian politics. This year I have learned so much about character that it is no surprise that I myself developed in character. Thanks to all the wonderful ICE teachers, activities, experiences and field trips I have grown as a person, student and Canadian.

For other blog posts visit here!

Final Project

For my final ICE Project I created an infographic regarding mental health of students in quarantine.

For a closer look click here to view!

Lauren Chia ICE Final.png

9C at Camp Wanakita! (Source: A. Lampard)