Olivia Goldstein

Over the course of this ICE year I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about myself as well as the Canadian experience. I grew more of an appreciation for my country as I began to learn more about it’s character and how Canada developed its traits. I learned new things about myself when we reflected on our civic action plans. I realised that I really like working with kids, teaching and instructing. I would never have known this about myself if I didn’t take the time to reflect on my civic action. Over this whole ICE year I think I learned most about me as a Canadian and my role in the country. In our politics unit I learned how important it is for young people to be aware of what is going on around the world and in Canada. I realised that I have a voice that can be heard and I should use it to advocate for what I believe in. As a student, I learned that I do a lot better when I write about or do a project on something I believe in and am passionate about.

The activity that I learned from the most was winter camping. This experience taught me a lot about myself and working with other people to get things done on time. We got to build our own quinzee with our group in order to have somewhere to sleep on the second night of the trip. We worked really hard and a lot of our classmates were nice enough to help us out! I made so many new and strong connections during this trip. Overall, I thought that winter camping was a great experience that I will remember for a long time.