Microlensing method

Audio Guide:

When a star or its planets pass in front of a distant celestial body, the gravitational field of the star and planets will alter the light from the distant celestial body in a way similar to the effect of a converging lens. The distant celestial object will appear brighter. This effect is known as gravitational microlensing. By observing the changes in luminosity of a distant celestial body and the changes in images caused by gravitational lensing, we can detect the existence of an exoplanet.

You can learn more about gravitational microlensing with the texts and images on display.

Exhibit Introduction:

Microgravity lensing effect refers to when a star or a planet happen to pass in front of a distant star, the gravity field of the plesioaster itself will generate a lens condesing effect towards the distant star. Astronomers can search for the existence of planets through observing this effect.