Asteroid impact

Audio Guide:

Around 900 near-Earth objects have been discovered by 2017, including thousands of near-Earth asteroids, comets, large meteoroids with predictable orbits, and several spacecrafts orbiting around the Sun. An asteroid that is 10 meters in diameter and a few thousand tons in mass can generate an amount of energy equivalent to 2 to 3 Hiroshima atomic bombs if it impacts Earth at a high speed. A rocky asteroid measuring 2 kilometers in diameter can be as powerful as 10 million Hiroshima atomic bombs and cause drastic global climate change that results in disasters for life on Earth. This type of disaster occurs once in every 500,000 years on average. Thus, NASA and many countries have made continued efforts in the search of near-Earth objects so that we can be prepared in advance.

The interactive game allows visitors to choose the size, density, impact angle, and speed to simulate and understand the possible effects of impact events on Earth.

Exhibit Introduction:

The visitors can adjust related data such as the size, the density, the impact angle and the impact speed of the celestial objects, and the computer will estimate the impact of the celestial objects hitting the earth.

Animation Videos: