

In this chapter, we are going to explore a new way of measuring the size of angles. If you recall in primary school, you were introduced to the degrees unit (°). To recap, a full rotation is worth 360°. Radian is a different unit that is also used to measure the size of an angle. A full rotation is worth 2π radians. Hence we can say that:

2π radians = 360°

Animation of 1 Radian

In the animation on the left, you will observe the construction of an angle of exactly 1 radian. It is the angle swept out by an arc with a length equal to its radius (1 unit in this example).


Angles can be converted from degree form to radian form and vice-versa using:

π radians = 180°

See formula on the right.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the radian compared to degree?

Next: Finding Arc Length

Side Track: Learn about another way to measure angles, the Gradian