Kinematic Graphs


Kinematics is the study of motion.

Displacement is the change of position of an object.

Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time.

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

Explore (Displacement-Time vs Velocity-Time Graphs)

Use the applet below to explore the relationship between Displacement-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs.

Shift points A, B and C to control the displacement in the displacement graph below and see how it affects the velocity time graph above.

Explore (Velocity-Time vs Displacement/Acceleration Graphs)

Use the applet below to explore the relationship between Velocity-Time and Velocity Displacement-Time & Acceleration-Time Graphs.

Shift points A, B and C to control the velocity in the velocity graph below and see how it affects the Displacement-Time & Acceleration-Time graph above.

Use the slider to switch from Displacement-Time & Acceleration-Time graphs.