Logarithmic Form

Conversion from Indice Form to Logarithmic Form

How to Interpret both Forms

Indices are repeated multiplication. 2³ should be interpreted as WHAT is 2 multiplied by itself 3 times? or 2 × 2 × 2?

Logarithms are the inverse of of Indices. log8 should be interpreted as 2 to the power of WHAT gives me 8?

Try It!

Use the applet below to see if you can evaluate logarithms without the use of the calculator?

Special Bases

In particular, there are 2 special bases that the calculator is able to compute. They are the common logarithm (Base = 10) and natural logarithm (Base = e 2.718281828). See table below.


Use the applet below to explore how the Indice Form and Logarithmic Form is related.

Next: Let's learn about the product and quotient law.