Gradient of a Straight Line


Gradient is the measure of the steepness of a slope.

When the gradient is positive, the graph is upward sloping.

When the gradient is negative, the graph is downward sloping.

When the gradient is zero, the graph is horizontal.


Click on Ski in the applet below to observe how the gradient of the slope changes along the ski track.


Use the applet below to explore the properties of gradient.

By moving points A and B about, can you make a slope with:

(i) Gradient = 1.4, (ii) Gradient = -0.25, (iii) Gradient = 0, and (iv) Gradient = undefined

Brain Teaser!

In the applet below, can you explain why there is a missing square?


Is the gradient of the red and blue triangle equal?

Test Yourself!

Use the applet below to check your understanding of finding the gradient of a given line.

If the gradient is Undefined, press U.

If the gradient is a Fraction, key the numerator before pressing a/b to key the denominator.

If you want to toggle between a positive and negative answer, click +/-.