Negative Numbers


Negative Numbers are an extension of whole numbers for numbers less than zero. The − sign can be used to signify a binary operation, subtraction (i.e. 5 3) or a unary operator, negation (i.e. 3). As an unary operator, −3 refers to 3 less than 0.

Negative numbers are constructed through the extension of the number line and subtraction of a bigger number from a smaller number (Eg. 1 4 = −3).

Where do you see negative numbers in real life?


Electron Charge



Use the applet below to see how the addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers are represented on the number line.

Try It!

You the applet below to test your understanding of negative numbers.

Read the instructions clearly. Click the numbers in order.

P.S. Do not select the hardcore mode!

Test Yourself!

Use the applet below to challenge your friends in your skill to perform basic operations on negative numbers.


Use the blue number pad to input your answers from -999 to 999.

The red button changes the sign of your answer from +ve to -ve or vice-versa.

The green button submits the answer.