Set Notation

Video of Set Theory Part 1: Set Notations

Set & Elements

Formally, we list out elements in a set using curly brackets known as braces { }. 

For example, we can list the set of the first 4 natural numbers this way: {1, 2, 3, 4}


Equality of Sets

2 sets (A and B) are considered equal if every element of A can be found in B and vice-versa. 


{1, 2, 3} = {3, 2, 1}

{1, 2, 3} ≠ {0, 1, 2, 3}

Notations for Special Sets


Just like how +, ,  and ÷  are the 4 basic operations in arithmetic, we have some basic operators in Set Theory too.

Next: Let's learn more about the Union & Intersection.